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Do Not Sell My Personal Information


Under Section 1798.120 of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), a consumer from California shall have the right, at any time, to direct a business not to sell his or her personal information to third parties.

Please understand that does not sell or share your personal information to third parties for monetary consideration. However, from time to time, we make our catalog mailing list (names and mailing addresses only) and general shopping activity available to carefully screened companies whose products may be of interest to you and, in turn, we are able to mail our catalogs to certain customers of other retail companies. Under the CCPA and existing California law, this qualifies as a “sale” of personal information, which is why we offer the right to opt out in compliance with the CCPA.
Please note that if you exercise your right to opt-out, we will not only cease sharing your personal information to other companies that may send you a catalog, but due to the way our customer information systems work, we will also take you off our catalog list or, if you are not yet in our catalog list, you will not receive our catalogs even if you subscribe to the same. Of course, you can always see our products at and are welcome to sign up for our promotional emails.

If you want to proceed with opting out of the sale of your personal information to third parties, please provide your name, email address and physical address below. If you have placed an order with us previously, please provide the most recent shipping address(es) we have on file for you. For more information about our processing activities and your rights under CCPA, please refer to our PRIVACY POLICY.